
Magazine spread featuring an article about the TedTalk given by Susan David and an inspirationl Photoshop collage illustration.


Photography, Adobe Photoshop, Camera Raw, Publishing Design
Left page of magazine spread, featuring the TedTalk as body copy, and a butterfly sitting on the page header which reads 'The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage' 'Recognizing emotions for their instinctual value as intrinsic to leading an authentic life. Explore what it means to embody emotional agility with psychologist Susan David.' by Susan David.
Right page of the magazine spread that features a PhotoShop collage illustration of a hand catching tissue butterflies and a female lion head peering over purple waterfall walls.

Project Goal: Create a magazine layout and illustrative collage emulating the tones and messages from a TED Talk given by Susan David.

Uplifting, Moving, Powerful, Benevolent
A Candid Take

This was a very uplifting and inspirational project. In this TedTalk, Susan Brown explores the ideas of emotional courage and embracing our emotions as they come. She explains her own experience discovering the concept and encourages viewers to acknowledge their true feelings. There's a beauty, grace and power in feeling with authenticity and leaving space for ourselves when it seems the world cannot. I wanted to emulate the opening of the heart I felt when listening to this talk in the collage I designed. I imagined this article to be placed in a health and wellness magazine, so I researched the layouts of current publications in that market. Using the layouts I encountered as inspiration, I selected typefaces and a layout that suited the appeals.